Personal Predictive Astrology Course

Become a PPA – Personal Predictive Astrologer


How to register for the PPA course

Fill in the application form first and then pay the fee – and you’re in 🙂 All the enrolled students are getting the recording of the Planetary Sect lecture which was held on October 1.

Why am I offering this course?

Because I have found that there is a need for it! In the recent years, I have travelled extensively and met many astrologers who don’t earn their daily living with astrology. Why? Because, sadly, they lack knowledge, experience and consulting skills which would enable them to be successful practitioners with a daily inflow of clients.

Personal Predictive Astrology Course (PPAC) is aimed at exactly such an astrologer, and also to those who know the basics or even lots of theory but lack practical skills.

After 30 years of teaching astrology in my native land and abroad, and consulting clients for about the same time on a daily basis, I have all the knowledge and experience needed for a high quality training offered to students worldwide. The course is structured in such a way as to give you practical knowledge, involving the use of your computer program/s.  The program used at the course is Solar Fire V9. Throughout the course, I will also advise you on how to organise your material and deal with clients who seek help, advice and a vision for the future.

Online teaching

PPAC is taught online, via the GoToMeeting service (online meetings via a HD video conferencing). Students receive recorded sessions after each meeting.

Each session lasts 2 hours and 15 minutes (135 minutes). The whole course consists of  30 sessions.

Who can enroll?

Every astrology student, consultant and teacher who needs the kind of training that will satisfy their clients’ need for a reliable forecasting service. Basic knowledge of astrology (the meaning of signs, houses, planets and aspects, and how to create an astrological chart) is required, although those with an ampler foreknowledge might be able to gain more from the course.

Minimum number of students in a class is 5 and maximum is 20.

Course structure

The whole course has 6 subjects (see Syllabus) which can be taken separately, but know that in practice, you can’t use just one technique. A quality forecast involves a combination of techniques, therefore I strongly recommend taking the whole course.

The course is carefully structured in a way than enables the student to build on the previously learnt techniques. For example, when learning about eclipses, I will show you how to use transits to ascertain the times of an eclipse’s activations. After having absorbed the knowledge of the combined effects of eclipses and transits, we’ll learn how to combine both with secondary progressions, and so on.

Individual lectures can also be taken separately.


Each session will be recorded and sent to attendees after the session. This means that in the event of your being unable to attend any of the meetings, you will still receive the lecture. The recordings will not be sold to other people, because I respect your privacy. (Know that much of the course – practice sessions in particular – will revolve around your own participation – commenting, asking questions and practising on your own and classmates’ cases.)

All the recordings are for your personal use only. They are subject to copyright protection laws and not to be shown to other people or re-distributed in any form.

Fees & Payment

See Fees.


Students who have completed the whole course  (Subjects 1 – 6) are eligible for the PPAC Diploma, giving you the PPA (Personal Predictive Astrologer) title which you can use as a marketing tool. (Know, though, that a happy client will always be your best recommendation!)

To ensure that you have mastered the material, presented at the course, you will be required to write a paper on 3 pages (90 lines). The subject of your paper should be an important past event, either related to you, your client, relative, friend etc., evaluated by ALL the techniques (natal chart, transits, eclipses, secondary progressions and solunars), and one horary question / chart that you have successfully answered.

Diploma is not obligatory, of course, but I am sure that after the completion of the course you will want it – not because you wouldn’t be able to do without it but because you will be looking forward to the challenge of writing the paper.

Formal organizer

The formal organizer of the course is Astrološka Akademija Stella (Astrological Academy Stella, run by Stella, Ema Kurent s.p.) which was founded in the 1990-s and has been an ISAR-affiliated school since 2012.  Ema Kurent is the head of the school and the tutor for the PPAC course.

